Hair Loss Articles & Advice

Women’s Hair Loss Treatment & Causes Brisbane

As a woman, beginning to lose your hair can be very traumatic. There’s a range of emotions that you might experience,including confusion, fear, and anxiety. These are very common, and often accompanied by feelings of helplessness.

At Meraki Hair Loss, we understand what you’re going through. Hair loss can be caused by, or seen in combination with, highs and lows in nutrition, or changes in medicines. Age can be a contributing factor to your hair loss, but generally isn’t the only cause.

For a lot of women, hair loss (or hair thinning) can also have hormonal, environmental, or even hereditary causes. Commonly, nutritional and hormonal are the most prominent hair loss factors for women in Brisbane.


womens hair loss treatment brisbane, Women’s Hair Loss Treatment & Causes BrisbaneHair loss in women can be associated with the following conditions:

  • PMS and monthly menstrual cycle problems
  • Hormonal Influences and Imbalances
  • Post Pregnancy Hair Loss)
  • Iron Deficiency and Anemia
  • Thyroid Imbalances and Fluctuations
  • Vitamin D and Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency
  • Blood Sugar Fluctuations and Diabetes
  • Autoimmune Conditions
  • Food Intolerance, Allergies and Sensitivities
  • Malnutrition and Malabsorption
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Digestive issues such as IBS, Leaky Gut and SIBO


How Is Hair Loss In Women Treated?

Treatment for women’s hair loss can include a range of types, from topical treatments, to nutritional supplements, or some combination of treatments. These aim to support the cycle of hair growth and rectify any nutritional lows or dependencies to encourage the cycle of growth. If the hair follicles are still intact, then these treatments should be effective – however like anything it takes time before you see permanent results. 

In cases where these treatments aren’t effective, or you’re looking for a faster solution to your hair loss or thinning, we offer a range of hair pieces or wigs to create the appearance of luscious, fuller hair.

Get in touch with the team at Meraki Hair Loss for a private consultation.

At Meraki Hair Loss, we understand that this is a situation that needs to be handled with delicacy and privacy. That’s why we have several private consultation rooms to ensure you get the help you’re looking for discretely. We are also taking extra precautions right now in regards to cleanliness and sanitation, so you have peace of mind when you come visit us at the salon.

Get in touch today to book an appointment.









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